Update on the project

It’s been a while! I last posted an update in August after a pretty major re-think and I naievely thought I had it all figured out. Obviously, I didn’t, but I’m here now to post a bit of an update. I’ve been writing some slice-of-life stories that you can read on my website for about […]

Choices re-think done (™)

Okay, so thinking about the plot is never done done, but it’s done enough for now, which means I will hopefully get back to actually writing instead of just thinking. I’m just going to put it all in an actual outline first and make sure there are no kinks. Jade is going to be getting […]

Changes to Choices

Hello everyone. I’ve spent quite a bit of time recently thinking about Choices. It started out with the PoV discussion last month and also got me thinking about setting a few weeks ago. I turned those subjects over in my head for quite a while, which ultimately led to another brain-storming session with me sitting […]

Server is back up

Hello everyone, the server is back up and running. It will probably be a bit up-and-down as I get some programs re-installed on it, but it shouldn’t be inaccessible for more than a couple minutes at a time.

PoV Test

This week’s a bit different. Here is a PDF with three scenes in their current 3rd person past tense version and a rewrite in 1st person present tense. I tried to get a kind of variety in the scenes I went with to gauge the pros and cons. I’ll hold off on giving opinions until […]

2019-05-19 writing update, and a bunch more

Writing update Chapter 13 has been added. It can be read on my website or downloaded from GitLab. See the stickied post at the top for details. Slice-of-life stories I have also started writing some slice-of-life style stories that can be read here. It’s partly to stretch my legs in terms of genre, and also […]

Server and themes

No new writing this week, but there is some other news. First off, I have a server now! This means you can now read Choices online instead of downloading it if you want. I had to learn a few things, but it looks like it’s working. It’s possible my public IP address will change from […]